
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday's Daily Brief: Michele Bachmann Retiring From Congress In 2014, IRS' Tea Party Targeting Scandal Thickens

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Republicans Charge Obama With Court-Packing For Trying To Fill Empty Seats
IRS' Tea Party Targeting Scandal Thickens
WATCH: Bill O'Reilly Blows Up Over DOJ Scandal
Pakistani Taliban's No. 2 Reportedly Killed In Drone Strike
Heat Stunned, Pacers Get Even
Dean Baker: Excel Spreadsheet Error, Ha Ha! Lessons From the Reinhart-Rogoff Controversy
The story of the Reinhart-Rogoff error tells us a great deal about how the elites use economists and the prestige of the economics profession in order to impose their will on the public.
Michelangelo Signorile: Michele Bachmann's Stinging Defeat
The news that Michele Bachmann is throwing in the towel, not seeking reelection in 2014, is a triumph for LGBT activists and all progressives. And it's a stunning blow to the Tea Party and the evangelical right.
Russell Brand: Woolwich
Extremists on both sides have a shared agenda: division, distrust, anger and violence. The answer is not for us to move further from one another, crouched in opposing fortresses constructed from vindictive words. We need now to move closer to one another, to understand one another.
Maggie Jackson: Why Google's Idea to Get Technology 'Out of the Way' Is Short-Sighted
Today, the popular idea that our devices should fade into the background -- exemplified by Google's aim to get technology 'out of the way' via its Google Glass -- is alarming. If technology becomes invisible to us, we risk losing sight of how it shapes us, for good and for ill.
Dave Murphy: The March to Stop Monsanto: Taking Back Our Food, Our Farms, Our Democracy and Our Planet
The march to stop Monsanto is one of the most pressing issues of our time. The problem is not just their corrosive lobbying practices, but the fact that the products they produce, GMO foods and chemical weed killers, are in more than 70% of the processed foods we eat and feed our families.
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