
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bad News About Parking In Santa Monica

June 3, 2013
Are you the kind of driver who looks for sidestreet parking rather than pay at a main street parking meter? That may no longer be a cost-saving option, at least not in Santa Monica, Calif.

Santa Monica city officials are exploring a pilot program that would add parking meters to some residential streets near commercial streets, the Santa Monica Daily Press reports. Residents with preferential parking permits would not have to pay the meters. Continue reading...
The (Less Than) Eternal Sea
Nothing in the sea lives by itself, nothing either on the earth or in the air or in the minds of men. To know the sea is mortal is to know that we are not apart from it. Continue reading...
Actresses, A** Kicking and Art Films
It feels as if we're constricting the boundaries of mainstream art instead of pushing them. In a risk-averse environment where many people fear for their jobs, "nothing ventured, nothing lost" is the prevailing sentiment, but it is also a recipe for mediocrity at best. Continue reading...
Goodbye, Edith Darling
Can I reach deeply enough inside me now to express how much that, the idea and Jean Stapleton herself, has meant to me? Continue reading...
'After Earth' Bombs & What It Says About Will Smith In 2013
There's another way to look at the disappointing $27 million that "After Earth" earned during its opening weekend: What would this film have grossed without Will Smith on the poster? Continue reading...
Six Transportation Ideas For LA's Mayor Elect Eric Garcetti
With LA having just elected a new Mayor, the timing feels right for putting out some transportation and planning ideas that can help make LA a more livable city. Continue reading...

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