
Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday's Daily Brief: Obama Authorizes Sending Weapons To Syrian Rebels

Friday, June 14, 2013
Iranians Vote On Ahmadinejad's Successor
GOP Governor Wins Big Victory ... For Obamacare?
Calls For Action, Moment Of Silence Take Place Six Months After Newtown
Bill O'Reilly Goes After Chris Matthews, MSNBC
WATCH: An Artist Creates A New Form Of Life
Robert Reich: The Two Centers of Unaccountable Power in America, and Their Consequences
There are two great centers of unaccountable power in the American political-economic system today -- places where decisions that significantly affect large numbers of Americans are made in secret, and are unchecked either by effective democratic oversight or by market competition.
Ann Brenoff: What I Know About Friends Now That I'm 60
In fifth grade, my BFF Diane dumped me for some girl named Helen. Diane and I had been inseparable for years and it took me what felt like forever to get over feeling betrayed. I agonized over what I had 'done' to deserve such mistreatment, and spent months eating my lunch alone under 'our' tree on the playground.
Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Crossing the Syrian Red Line Rubicon
For all the ballyhooed determination to stand up for democratic change in the Middle East and pledges to never stand by when tens of thousands of innocent people are being massacred, Syria will regretably prove to be a major policy reversal on both counts.
François Hollande: Acting Together for More Justice
It is a test for the G8, a group of advanced economies that must lead by example. The challenge is to work together to do everything in our power to build a safer, more prosperous, more sustainable, and fairer future.
Martha Burk: Congress Should Give Dad a Break
The annual June Father's day shopping binge is at its zenith. Stores are touting the latest gizmos and geegaws, and everybody loves Dad. All except corporate America, that is. Just count the number of companies giving paid leave to men with newborns.
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