
Monday, June 17, 2013

Ice Cream Flavor With A Political Message

'It Only Tastes Illegal'

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LISTEN: Chilean Duo Covers Popular Songs In Spanish
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WATCH: Up To 15 7-Elevens Raided
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I encouraged my friend to attend the screening of the film. My friend responded, "No, that's fine. It's a Latin film. I'm sure it'll just go over my head." That response made me want to scream, in part, because this is no novel sentiment. Why is it that so many people still believe that English-language media produced by and starring Latinos are for Latinos only?
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Everyone ultimately wants a Superman on their side. The INS even has a citizenship category for that -- Alien of Extraordinary Ability or the O visa. The question is, does America want to legalize the not-so-supermen and women?
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Latest Attack On Mexican American Studies
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¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Pau!
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Immigration Enforcement Director Stepping Down
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