
Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday's Daily Brief: Supreme Court Punts On Affirmative Action, Report: Snowden Not On Cuba Flight

Monday, June 24, 2013
Report: Snowden Not On Cuba Flight
David Gregory's Shocking Question To Glenn Greenwald
Key Dem: Boehner Will Have 'No Choice'
Opening Statements In George Zimmerman's Murder Trial (Live Updates)
Earth Wind & Fire Are Back
Maureen Ryan: 'Mad Men' Finale: Shocking Revelations And Oh My, That Dress!
As it so often has in the past, "Mad Men" took my expectations and subverted them as it expanded my idea of what the show could do or be. I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor.
John Pavley: Want to Know What's Next for Social Internet Applications? Start Mudding!
Almost all of what we do on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Google+ was predicted, some might even say preordained, by an ancient race of wizards and warriors in the 1970s and 1980s. I'm talking about Multi User Dungeons (MUDs) and the activity of Mudding.
HRH The Prince of Wales: An Introduction to My Work and Charitable Endeavours Within the Built Environment
Just as we are what we eat, I believe we are what we are surrounded by. The art of place-making was all but dead, as was the skill of creating genuine communities rather than rather soulless housing estates, until I determined to revive these timeless skills over 25 years ago. Although it seems misunderstood, my concern for design is part of a much wider concern about the impact places have on the people who live or work in or around them. My concern is for the built environment as a whole and how that environment affects the way people feel and live.
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf: Our Fight, Our Future
People often ask me if I feel pressure as the first democratically elected female leader of an African nation. It's a fair question, but the pressure I feel should be the same felt by all African leaders: to improve the lives of Africans.
Jared Bernstein: When Stimulus Leaves
Stimulus comes and goes, as it should. The fact that it creates some drag when it departs is fine, as long as we get the timing right. The problem is when you screw up the timing, and that's what it looks like we're doing -- again.
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