
Friday, June 21, 2013

President Obama Speaks in Berlin

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House
President Obama Speaks to the People of Berlin
Nearly 50 years to the day after President John F. Kennedy delivered his historic speech to a city
divided by the Cold War, President Obama spoke to the people of Berlin about the deep and enduring bonds between the United States and Germany, and the values we share.
The Brandenburg Gate has long been a symbol of Germany’s progress, and the President spoke from its east side – something that would have been impossible if not for the collapse of the Berlin Wall.
President Obama delivers remarks at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. June 19, 2013.
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Intellectual Property: A Key Driver of our Economy
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White House Rural Council Growing Rural Economies, Creating Jobs
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State and Local Officials in the South Speak Up to Fix the Broken Immigration System
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Today's Schedule
All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST)
12:20 AM: The President and the First Family arrive Joint Base Andrews
12:40 AM: The President and the First Family arrive the White House
9:45 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at Esperanza’s 2013 National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast
10:15 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks to the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Youth and Young Adults Awards Banquet LISTEN LIVE
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