
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Supreme Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional, Prop 8 Dismissed

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Texas Abortion Bill Is Dead
WATCH: Pats' Hernandez Taken From Home By Police
Snowden Decision Could Take Months
Investor To Marissa Mayer: 'I'm A Dirty Old Man, And You Look Attractive'
WATCH: Paula Deen Offers Extremely Emotional Interview On 'Today'
Al Gore: The Best Presidential Address on Climate Change Ever
As President Obama said today, history will judge the present generation by our success or failure in meeting and surmounting this existential challenge. So I urge the nation to follow President Obama's lead and take the positive steps he announced today, but to keep fighting.
Cecile Richards: Some Amazing News Out of Texas
The fact of the matter is, here in Texas, we've started something no one can stop. People don't want politicians making women's private medical decisions, cutting off access to lifesaving preventive care or safe and legal abortion -- and they absolutely will not stand for it.
Jay Sterling Silver: Posturing in the U.S. v. Snowden
While Snowden's apparent escape from U.S. jurisdiction doesn't represent a happy ending for either of the parties in the case of the United States v. Snowden, the government seems to have achieved, sub rosa, the goal of any settlement: it cut its losses.
Aaron Zelinsky: The Top Ten Lines from the Supreme Court's DOMA Decision
Here is a list of the 10 most important lines from today's Supreme Court opinions in Windsor.
Rev. Al Sharpton: Supreme Insult
This outrageous ruling puts African Americans, other minorities, the poor and all oppressed groups now at the mercy of state governments, yet again. It's as if we're in pre-1965 America.
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