
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

This dumb idea will cost $30 billion

Tell your Senator:

Vote NO on an amendment that punishes immigrants
Dear Nosomosrubios,
Every time a cop car passes by me in Arizona, my heart races. I've seen too many of my friends and family living in fear, not knowing for certain if they'll come home to the people they love each day or face deportation. Nobody knows we need to fix our immigration system more than me. 
But as a DREAMer, I'm terrified about
what's happening in Congress. An amendment to the proposed immigration bill is going to be voted on in less than an hour. If enacted it would push the current immigration bill further to the right--leaving out millions of immigrants who would never be able to meet the worsened requirements.
The amendment would also create a worsened "border trigger" before any immigrant would even be eligible for a 10-year path to citizenship.
This is what would need to happen before immigrants are given any hope of legalization: we'd need far more agents at the border than troops in Afghanistan, we'd spend billions of dollars on radar surveillance similar to what's used in Iraq, and we'd double the cost of unnecessary border enforcement to $30 billion.This, even though border crossings are at or below zero and experts say our border is more secure than ever.2 
I'm sick of watching politicians play politics with our lives. 
It takes only a minute to make a call to your Senators. Senators tally up the results of people calling their offices, and it can have a big impact on the way they vote. The anti-immigrant crowd knows this well and has been driving thousands of calls into the offices of Senators. That's why it would mean so much to me if you'd make a call asking that your Senators not throw immigrants like me under the bus
I don't want to explain to any more youger children why they won't see their parents any more. I don't want to say goodbye to any more friends. That's why I'm fighting. And I need your help. 
Thanks for the support,
Erick Garcia
P.S. Can you donate $5 to support our work? We rely on contributions from people like you to see campaigns like this through.

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