
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday's Daily Brief: DOJ Will 'Very Likely' Investigate Guardian NSA Leak; Surprising Group Deals Major Blow To Austerity

Thursday, June 6, 2013
Surprising Group Deals Major Blow To Austerity
Poll: Americans Sharply Divided On Looming DOMA Decision
LOOK: Live Updates From Our Third Metric Conference
'Bag Men' Sue New York Post Over Boston Marathon Bombing Cover
Conservative Quits House Immigration Group, Imperiling Reform
Anne-Marie Slaughter: Do You See the World As a Ladder or a Web?
The ability to operate effectively in a horizontal web of relationships (a network of networks) is more important than ever. So why is it that the metric of success is still "getting to the top"?
Ann Brenoff: On The Fly: My Personal Third Metric
I am fond of telling people that I became a journalist because I wanted to make a difference. Actually, what I wanted to do was change the world.
Jim Downs: The History of Mrs. Obama's Heckler, or Caught Between Civil Rights and a Hard Place
On one level, I recognize how this is a highly charged political throw down between two oppressed groups that rarely get the national microphone. I then worry about activists, regardless of their political stripes, disrespecting Mrs. Obama more than other first ladies.
Kristen Breitweiser: Hey America -- 'Can You Hear Me Now?!' Obama, Verizon, and Executive Power Run Amok
For years during the Bush administration, many groups fought against the Patriot Act and its illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens. They were horrified by torture and extraordinary renditions. They fought for the sanctity and protection of whistleblowers. Where are these people now?
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Defending Samantha Power on Israel
This week I take my yarmulke off to President Obama for one of the most impressive actions of his presidency, namely, the nomination of Samantha Power to the post of American Ambassador to the United Nations.
Huffington Post, 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003

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