
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday's Daily Brief: Gay Marriage Advocates Anticipate Return To Supreme Court After Ruling

Thursday, June 27, 2013
Obama: I Won't Be Scrambling Jets To Get Snowden
LISTEN: Christie Blasts Gay Marriage Rulings
SCOTUS Throws Out Voter ID Ruling
Gay Journalists Are Everywhere During Supreme Court Coverage
Director Fires Back At Sexism Claims
Geoffrey R. Stone: Same-Sex Marriage as of... Now
For a state to deny same-sex couples the freedom to marry plainly violates the constitutional guarantee that no state shall deny to any person "the equal protection of the laws."
Jeff Cohen: Snowden Coverage: If U.S. Mass Media Were State-Controlled, Would They Look Any Different?
When a huge swath of the country is on the side of the guy-on-the-run and not the government, it's much easier to see that there's nothing "objective" or "neutral" about journalists who so closely identify with the spy agencies or Justice Department or White House.
Glennon Melton: I Love Gay People and I Love Christians. I Choose All.
I love my gay friends, without agenda. And I love my friends who believe that homosexuality is a sin, without agenda.
Adam Levin: 11 Really Dumb Things You Do With Your Email
The best way to stay safe is to aggressively protect yourself. No one else can guard your email better than you. Here are the top 11 things you can do right now to reduce your risk of getting your email either hacked or scammed.
Murray Fromson: Selma Remembered
I vividly remember that bloody Sunday on the Edmund Pettus Bridge leading out of Selma, Alabama when some 600 civil rights marchers heading for the state capitol in Montgomery were stopped by club-wielding state troopers, deputy sheriffs and other hired hands.
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