
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday's Daily Brief: The Most Important Movie of the Summer (Hint: It's Not Man of Steel)

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Arianna Huffington: The biggest movie of the summer isn't Man of Steel, or The Lone Ranger, or Fast & Furious 6. It's a new documentary called How to Make Money Selling Drugs, and it exposes the hypocrisy, insanity, and destructiveness of America's drug war. Now, when I say "biggest," I'm not talking about budget size or box office receipts -- I'm talking impact and importance. Of course, the problem with saying a movie is "important" is that it can leave the impression that it isn't entertaining. That's certainly not the case with this film. But the reason the film truly feels like a blockbuster is that you can't leave the theater without being shocked and outraged by what you've seen. Even if you go in feeling like you're well-versed in the insanity of the drug war, you'll walk out stunned -- by the cowardice and hypocrisy of our elected leaders, and by the staggering consequences in lives and money.
Court Passes On Major Decisions Again
Immigration Group Reaches Border Deal
'Sopranos' Star Dies At 51
Atheist Seeking Citizenship Told She Must First Join Church
Michael Hastings' Wife Obliterates New York Times For Dismissive Obituary
Maureen Ryan: James Gandolfini of 'The Sopranos:' An Appreciation
It's not just that Gandolfini was transfixing as Tony Soprano -- he was transfixing in so many ways.
Bevis Longstreth: What Can Anyone Do About Climate Change?
Real hope for global action now rests with the private sector. To save the planet, we need to create a global movement of ordinary people demanding action now. The people, young and old, rich and poor, must seize power over global policy by taking control away from the fossil fuel companies who now wield it.
Adam Levin: The 10 Commandments of Summer Travel
If you're planning to take a trip this summer, you need some commandments of your own to protect yourself and your family from identity thieves.
Christopher Hayes: My Tribute to Michael Hastings
The 33-year-old reporter and author died early Tuesday morning in a car wreck -- a brutal, tragic loss that has robbed the world of an exemplary journalist, and singularly talented writer. He wrote detailed, diligent, riveting reportorial prose and he was also kind, generous, charming and earnest.
Michelangelo Signorile: 'Ex-Gay' Group Shuts Down, But Movement Is Re-Branding
It's terrific news that Exodus International, the largest and most known group that promoted "reparative therapy," is shutting down. But don't be fooled into thinking this is anything more than a re-branding for the "pray-away-the-gay" movement. It's certainly not a surrender.
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