
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday's Daily Brief: People, Planet, Profit: Introducing the B Team

Thursday, June 13, 2013
Arianna Huffington: If you are one of the many of people who believe that Plan A of the way business is managed -- aka the status quo -- is not working, this is a good day for you. Because I'm happy to announce the launch of the B Team, whose mission is to introduce a Plan B. As an inaugural member of the B Team, I've been inspired by the way the co-founders of the team, Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz, and the other inaugural leaders, have been determined to change the values that drive businesses, to "prioritize people and planet alongside profit" and to move beyond our obsession with quarterly earnings and short-term growth. This is a moment of great possibility and opportunity for all of us to play our part in course-correcting, and leveraging the best parts of the spirit of business and entrepreneurship to bring about fundamental changes to the ways we do business -- for the benefit of individuals, communities, and companies.
SCOTUS Passes On Big Issues
Inspector In Philly Building Collapse Commits Suicide
Editor Gives Details On Whereabouts Of Whistleblower
Court Rules On DNA
MSNBC Host Issues Correction
Tom Zeller Jr.: Global Climate Negotiations Break Down in Bonn. Go Figure.
Virtually no one should be surprised to learn that climate talks currently underway in Bonn, Germany -- the latest venue for the decades-old and largely fruitless pursuit of international agreement on global warming action -- are descending into chaos.
Ozan Varol: How Turks Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Tear Gas
History has prominent examples that demonstrate the power of non-violent resistance against government repression. The Turks are in the process of crafting a story that exemplifies how the power of humor and innovation can be effectively harnessed against repression and abuse.
Valerie Jarrett: Being Whole
To compete on an even playing field, we need to create our own field with teammates that respect and support what it takes for us to be healthy and whole.
Leighton Woodhouse: NSA Surveillance Is Legal, and That's the Worst Thing About It
One of the most disturbing realities the surveillance revelations have brought into relief is that in its drive to safeguard national security, the Obama Administration has concocted tactics that draw a sharp line dividing the state and the public, casting the latter in the role of potential conspirator.
Paula Davis-Laack: Life Is Too Short: 10 Things to Stop Tolerating
People often get stuck because of fear, guilt, or simply not knowing which way to go next. In order to achieve bigger goals, take smaller steps.
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