
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Trump Goes On A Race Rant

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House Votes In Support Of Deporting Dreamers
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Whole Foods Allegedly Suspends Workers For Unbelievable Reason
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Of course, it's not too surprising that a Latino hasn't been tapped to host the Tonys. After all, we don't host the Oscars. We don't host the Grammys, and we don't host the Emmys. All of which makes me sad...
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The Dirty Girls never made it onto the big (or small) screen because the creator continued to fight against producers who have attempted to turn Valdes' six diverse characters into six stereotypical caricatures.
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WATCH: Gustavo Cerati's Son Releases Music Video For First Single
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Hugo Chavez Gets National Journalism Award
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EXCLUSIVE: Disney In Search Of The Next Selena Gomez
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