
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday's Daily Brief: Russia Says It Would Consider Asylum For Edward Snowden

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Obama Making Big Push For Top Priority
NSA Programs Likely To Continue
The New Apple OS Breaks With Big Tradition
Oliver Blasts NSA Scandal: 'Jon Stewart's Been Gone One Day!'
Michael Calderone: AP Editor: Do Not Describe Edward Snowden As A 'Whistleblower'
The Guardian has labeled Edward Snowden a whistleblower after the NSA contractor revealed himself Sunday as the source for several recent surveillance scoops. But some news organization have been less quick to describe Snowden as a "whistleblower," opting instead for terms like "source" or "leaker."
Ann Brenoff: Job-Hunting Tips For Midlifers You Haven't Seen A Million Times Before
If you want to be hired by the insanely awesome company, you need to be confident about your place in it. But be yourself. If they wanted another 20-something hipster for the job, you wouldn't be sitting in the room with the interviewer.
Jedediah Purdy: Why I Got Arrested in Raleigh: The States Are the New Front Line
Because North Carolina refused the Obamacare Medicaid expansion, I ended up in handcuffs. That was my trigger, anyway. Statistically, next year more than two thousand people in the state will die who would have lived if NC had accepted federal money to give health insurance to low-income families.
Rev. Al Sharpton: George Zimmerman Trial: Advocacy and Action Brought Us Here
We never rendered our own verdict; we instead urged authorities to follow proper protocol and have Zimmerman arrested, an investigation put into place and a court of law to decide. This week, nearly a year and a half since Trayvon's death, that day has finally arrived.
Ricky Gervais: The Internet Is My Playground
Never grow up. If you're writing or directing, give yourself enough time to play. Play the fool. Goad. Shock. Laugh. Trip over something that isn't there. Try something. And never be afraid to fail. That failure is useful too. It's just another building block.
Huffington Post, 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003

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