
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday's Daily Brief: Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act, Introducing Al Huffington Post Maghreb

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Marhaba! Introducing Al Huffington Post Maghreb
Ecuador Foreign Minister Says He Doesn't Know Where Snowden Is
Texas Republican Links Rape Kits To Abortions
Court Still Waiting On Gay Marriage
Arianna Huffington: National Service: The Ultimate Shovel-Ready Infrastructure Project
I'm in Aspen for the inaugural 21st Century National Service Summit, sponsored by The Franklin Project, a new venture of the Aspen Institute. The goal is to make universal national service a new American rite of passage. It is, of course, an idea at the heart of the founding of the country itself, connected to the very "pursuit of happiness" in our Declaration of Independence.
Josh Silver: How One State Senate Just Screwed the Whole Nation
What happened in Albany last week has major implications for national anti-corruption efforts that are central to making progress on the issues that you care about most, yet keep losing. Health care, climate change, education, financial oversight, military spending... the list goes on.
Steve Strauss: Why I Hire English Majors
Business majors are fine, but they are preoccupied with theory, proving themselves, and doing it "right." But the English majors are used to getting a tough assignment, figuring it out, and getting it done, (usually) on time.
Soraya Chemaly: 10 Crucial Facts About Rape Kits -- True Even in Texas
Just when I thought nothing could get more ridiculous than last week's "masturbating male fetus" rights argument to justify extreme anti-abortion rhetoric, this happened: Rep. Jodie Laubenberg explained, "In the emergency room they have what's called rape kits where a woman can get cleaned out."
Kader A. Abderrahim: What We Will Be
Al Huffington Post Maghreb is a news website with a dual purpose: to deliver "hot" news, occurring every day, happy or sad, serious or light-hearted. We will do this with ambition and professionalism, while seeking a unique approach to make this information more attractive.
Huffington Post, 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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