
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday's Daily Brief: Edward Snowden: Let Hong Kong 'Decide My Fate'

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
GOP Rep: Reporters Should Be Prosecuted For Publishing Classified Information
Lawmakers Voice Concerns Over NSA Surveillance Revelations
5-Year-Old Tornado Survivor Killed By Dog
Intelligence Czar: I Gave 'Least Untruthful' Answer On Surveillance
HIGHLIGHTS: Spurs Rout Heat In Game 3
Ozan Varol: How Turks Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Tear Gas
History has prominent examples that demonstrate the power of non-violent resistance against government repression. The Turks are in the process of crafting a story that exemplifies how the power of humor and innovation can be effectively harnessed against repression and abuse.
Robert Reich: What We Need Now: A National Economic Strategy For Better Jobs
The irony is we already have a national economic strategy but it's been dictated largely by powerful global corporations and Wall Street. If we had a strategy designed to increase jobs and wages, what would it look like?
Morris W. O\'Kelly: The George Zimmerman Game Show/Sports Spectacular Is Underway
Either Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin in cold blood or he didn't. I'm here to tell you, Trayvon Martin smoking marijuana and/or having been suspended from school is not in any way connected to why George Zimmerman killed him.
Janice L. Marturano: Power and Money: What Is Missing?
What is the 'something' that is missing? For women, and for men, the something may be our own wisdom and our own intuition. They aren't actually missing, it is just that they get buried-by deadlines, projects, kids, parents, 24/7 connectivity, etc.
Susan Sobbott: Susan Sobbott: An Intergrated Life
People everywhere struggle to find work-life balance. A better approach, in my mind, is to pursue work-life integration.
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