
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Weekly Address: Congress Should Take Action to Continue Growing the Economy

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House
In this week’s address, President Obama says that the economy is moving in the right direction
, but there is still more work to do. He calls on Congress to act to give every responsible homeowner the chance to save money on their mortgage by refinancing at historically low interest rates, put more Americans to work rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, and fix our broken immigration system -- so that we can continue to grow our economy and create good middle class jobs.
Watch this week's Weekly Address.
Watch this week's Weekly Address
Top Stories
“You’ve met the mission”: President Obama spoke in Annapolis, Maryland last Friday to deliver the commencement address to the U.S. Naval Academy’s class of 2013. In his address, the President congratulated the graduates for taking their oath, and praised them for meeting the mission of the Academy and proving themselves morally, mentally, and physically.
“So, Class of 2013, in your four years by the Bay, you’ve met every test before you. And today is the day that you’ve been counting down to for so long. You will take your oath. Those boards and gold bars will be placed on your shoulders. And as your Commander-in-Chief, I congratulate each of you on becoming our newest officers -- ensigns in the United States Navy, second lieutenants in the United States Marine Corps.  
The Savoy School: Actress Kerry Washington joined First Lady Michelle Obama at the Savoy School in Washington, D.C. on Friday. The school was selected for the Turnaround Arts Initiative at the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities last year. While visiting, the First Lady played freeze dance and checked out art projects created by a fifth grade class.
"When you work hard and you invest thousands of hours in anything, you get better.  And that’s what you guys are learning here at Savoy.  Hopefully you are learning that with your math, with your reading, with your dancing, with your singing, it's about the amount of effort that you want to put into anything."

Moore, Oklahoma: President Obama traveled to Oklahoma on Sunday to join Governor Mary Fallin and Mayor Glen Lewis in Moore, a town devastated by the previous week’s tornadoes. While in Moore, the President met with first responders at the Moore Fire Department Station #1, which has served as a command center for search and rescue and survivors. President Obama also visited the badly damaged Plaza Towers Elementary School, where he offered condolences and promised that the people of Moore would have all the resources they needed to help rebuild. He used the progress made by relief efforts in Joplin and New Jersey as examples.
“When we say that we’ve got your back, I promise you, we keep our word.  If you talk to folks in Alabama who have been affected over the last couple of years; you talk to the folks at Joplin, who I know have actually sent volunteers down here to Moore; if you talk to folks in New Jersey and New York, they’ll tell you that when we say we’re going to be there until you completely rebuild, we mean it.” 
Honoring the Armed Forces: President Obama and the First Lady headed to Arlington National Cemetery on Monday to celebrate Memorial Day with members of the armed forces and veterans. While at Arlington, the President laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, honored fallen heroes, and thanked the men and women for their service and commitment to the United States.
“Today, just steps from where these brave Americans lie in eternal peace, we declare, as a proud and grateful nation, that their sacrifice will never be forgotten.”
“The Jersey Shore is back”: On Tuesday, the President visited the Jersey Shore to see firsthand the extensive rebuilding efforts since Hurricane Sandy struck last November. While he recognized there is still work to be done, President Obama praised families and business owners for their hard work as they rebuilt for the summer season.
“You are stronger than the storm. After all you’ve dealt with, after all you’ve been through, the Jersey Shore is back and it is open for business, and they want all Americans to know that they’re ready to welcome you here.”  
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