
Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday's Daily Brief: Farm Bill Failure Shows John Boehner's Tight Spot On Immigration

Friday, June 21, 2013

Conflicting Reports Over Arrest Warrant For Aaron Hernanez
Bill O'Reilly Announces Support For Senate Immigration Bill
Embattled Chef, Paula Deen A No Show At Scheduled Today Show Appearance
McConnell Issues Stern Warning
WATCH: What Do YOU Want To Do Before You Die?
Bill George: The Tipping Point for Mindfulness
Today's pace and stress are so great that people are searching for new practices to find resilience in the midst of chaos, and mindfulness programs are helping them find better ways to live.
Susan Sarandon: Colorado Was Just the Beginning
In 2012 I supported Amendment 64 in Colorado, a common sense step toward ending the archaic prohibition mindset that has resulted in the U.S. leading the world in the incarceration of our people -- a prison system packed with non-violent drug offenders.
Arianna Huffington: Huffington This Week: Man vs. Nature
In this week's issue, Tom Zeller looks at the American fishing industry and three different factors affecting it, and Mallika Rao puts the spotlight on the rise of Braco, a Croatian healer whose method is simple and, some say, miraculously effective.
Gary Hart: The Intelligence-Industrial Complex
It is dangerous to have a technology-empowered government capable of amassing private data; it is even more dangerous to privatize this Big Brother world.
Shelley Emling: Dear Daughter: 13 Things I Want You To Know On Your 13th Birthday
People always say that my daughter looks just like my husband and nothing like me, a remark that's a bit disheartening considering that, in their next breath, they usually note how pretty she is.
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