
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Largest low-wage employer

Dear Nosomosrubios,
Last week, when we shared Antonio Vanegas' story about being put into deportation proceedings simply for demanding a living wage, you stepped up in a big way.
Almost 15,000 Presente members signed the petition calling on President Obama
to stop his deportation. Thanks to you, Antonio has now been released from custody, and while he's still facing deportation, his story has shined a light on workers who are fighting for better working conditions and a living wage in federal buildings.
And momentum is building.
Our friends at Daily Kos have their own petition calling on President Obama to sign an executive order that would give 2,000,000 federal workers a living wage. Over 47,000 people have now signed it and if we can help get it past the 50,000 mark, we can help break the stories of these workers into the mainstream.
Time and time again, you've taken action with us to bend the moral arc towards justice, and these workers are pushing as hard as they can to bend that arc, but they need our help.
Please stand with these brave workers by signing the Daily Kos petition telling President Obama to sign the executive order requiring all federal contractors to pay a living wage and respect workers' rights.
Click here to sign the Daily Kos petition.
Thanks and ¡adelante!
Arturo, Gabriela, Kyle, and the entire team

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