
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Shocking Racism Of Forced Sterilizations

June 5, 2013
When a woman identified by the pseudonym of Minelva entered Pacific Colony, a California "home for the feebleminded," she had suffered rape and a life of poverty, and spent much of
her adolescence trying to escape from juvenile detention or state boarding homes. Viewing those experiences as symptoms of genetic and mental deficiency, Pacific Colony's doctors diagnosed her as a sexually deviant "high moron." They ordered her to be sterilized without her consent in October of 1936 at the age of 16, dismissing the pleas of her parents, who objected to the operation on religious grounds.  Continue reading...
The Administration's Border Strategy Is Working
By any measure the U.S. government's policy towards the border in recent years has been successful, and with the passage of the well-crafted and thoughtful Senate bill, the border can become safer still. Continue reading...
Hispanics and Television News Media: Standing on the Outside Looking In
On primetime, Latinos have no Al Sharpton, no Joy Reid, no Donna Brazile, no Eugene Robinson, no Oprah Winfrey. Even though Latinos are 50 million strong and clearly decided the 2012 election, they are largely absent from the production, writing and telling of their stories. Continue reading...
Truth, Justice and the American Way for Immigrant Kids
Justice is lacking for immigrant children because of the social and policy barriers they face when trying to access programs for health insurance, nutrition, and early childhood education. Continue reading...
Immigration Reform an Opportunity for Republicans to Attract Latinos... and Millennials
The GOP has lost support from a fast-changing electorate, one that's becoming increasingly younger, more diverse, and more supportive of equal rights. What's the party to do? Continue reading...
The Spanish Imposition
It seems that American marketers in their effort to reach Spanish-speaking Latinos see those last two letters and believe they have an EZ solution to reaching myself and others (Gom-ez, Martin-ez, Gonzal-ez) in Spanish. Continue reading...

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