
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

LOOK: The Most Adventurous LA Date Ideas

June 12, 2013
By Jenny Platt for HowAboutWe

Forget coffee dates. "Dinner and a movie" isn't your style. You're a thrill-seeker, and you're looking for a partner in crime. Luckily, the Los Angeles area is a haven for stunt people, and so a multitude of hair-raising date options are at your disposal. Continue reading...
What I Know About Enemies Now That I'm 60
Enemies, depending on the degree to which you empower them, can rule -- and ruin -- your life. They make your kid not want to play on the soccer team anymore. They make your mother want to skip the dining room and eat in her room at the assisted living place. They make you dread going to office meetings where they seem intent on undermining everything you say. Continue reading...
A Family Like Any Other -- Sort Of
Two toddlers anxious to hop in their parents' bed. Two parents trying not to start the day any earlier than necessary. It's a struggle repeated every day across the country, except that the two parents in question are both men, the babies born via an egg donor and surrogate mother. Continue reading...
Why Would Anyone Ever Do a Tough Mudder Race? The Torture to Expect
Once you get shocked, you will abandon attempts to stealthily avoid the live wires and sprint as hard as you can in order to not get shocked again. Continue reading...
Waiting on the Supreme Court, and Obama's Pen, While Democrats Still Cower
Even in this time when some pundits claim gays have arrived, our supposed friends are still throwing us overboard, subjecting us to ongoing discrimination. Here's hoping that, even if John Roberts isn't among them, five justices of the Supreme Court get that. Continue reading...
How Obama Played the Hip Hop Community
There was something remarkable about seeing rappers pledge their support to a mainstream presidential candidate, especially given the history of antipathy between national politicians and hip hop. Continue reading...

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