
Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday's Daily Brief: Supreme Court Rulings Loom On Affirmative Action, Gay Marriage, Voting Rights

Monday, June 17, 2013
Report: UK Spies Hacked Foreign Diplomats
Spurs Take Down Heat
Media's Edward Snowden Haters Club Keeps Growing
Apple Is Cooperating With The Government, But Just Barely
China Asks U.S. To Explain Surveillance
Steven Strauss: Why Let a Bank Write U.S. Financial Reform Legislation?
Reasonable people would agree that a bank having a history of involvement with fraud and mismanagement (and a recipient of one of the largest bank bailouts) shouldn't be writing bank legislation. Unless, of course, you are the U.S. Congress doing business as usual.
John Pavley: How to Cheat the Iron Triangle With Tony Schwartz
I believe the iron triangle applies to almost every human endeavor. From throwing a party to keeping a marriage alive for 28 years, no plan survives it's first encounter with reality. The only real question is which corner of the iron triangle am I going to compromise on?
Maureen Ryan: 'Mad Men' Recap: Bob Benson As You've Never Seen Him In 'The Quality Of Mercy'
Tonight we found out that Bob is not truly a product of the great state of Wisconsin (your loss, Cheddarheads). His identity is as thin and fragile as the pathetic map tacked up on his office wall.
Newt Gingrich: The Continuing Alaska Shut-out Scandal
Anyone who has been paying attention knows that bureaucrats throughout the government are routinely abusing their power to advance their ideology and that of the current administration. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the administration's aggressive obstruction of American energy.
Carole Brody Fleet: Avoiding First Date Faux Pas (Part 2): What Never To Talk About On A First Date
This month's Dating Faux Pas Prevention continues with another subject of concern to many; what are the two of you going to talk about on that first date?
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