
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday's Daily Brief: Brazil's Protesters Take To The Streets Again; Obama Defends 'Transparent' NSA Program

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Obama Defends 'Transparent' NSA Program
Russia: G-8 Syria Statement Won't Mention Assad Stepping Down
GOP Rep: Lawmakers Know Of 'Dozens' Of Terrorists Plots Avoided By Surveillance
Obama: Bernanke Has 'Stayed A Lot Longer' Than He Wanted
Justin Bieber Accused Of Hit And Run
Rev. Al Sharpton: Justice Has Prevailed
Nobody should be denied the right to vote, or face additional hurdles because of a strategic method to disenfranchise them. Just as no one should be racially profiled, no one should be racially blocked from the voting booth.
Rita Lobo: We Need to Talk About Brazil
Last week the governments of Rio and São Paulo, Brazil's two biggest cities raised the cost of the bus fare by R$0.20 (£0.06). It might sound like a negligible amount of money, but it was enough to trigger the biggest public uprisings the country has seen in over two decades.
Robert Scheer: The Terror Con
For defense contractors, the government officials who write them mega checks, and the hawks in the media who cheer them on, the name of the game is threat inflation. And no one has been better at it than the folks at Booz Allen Hamilton.
Julie Jensen: Life Re-imagined: Survive to Thrive, a Recovering People-Pleasing, Perfectionistic Workaholic's Journey to Inner Peace
I'm sure I'd still be searching for fulfillment if I didn't receive a wake-up call on September 30, 2004. I was 26 when I was wheeled into the ER and a nurse asked if I knew what was happening. "I think I had a stroke," I muttered. "Ma'am, you are HAVING a stroke."
Shimon Peres: Facing Tomorrow
We don't have enemies. There is no country, no religion, which we consider an enemy. Our only enemies are those who reject peace, sow division, and spread hatred.
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