
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday's Daily Brief: Drone Witness: 'I Don't Trust A Single Word' From Obama; Murkowski Backs Gay Marriage

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Murkowski Backs Gay Marriage
Michael Hastings Dies In Car Crash At Age 33
Report Highlights Climate-Poverty Link
'Our Work Is Not Yet Done'
Heat Not Done Yet!
Robert Reich: Why the GOP Can't Learn
It's as if they didn't learn a thing from 2012. Republicans are on the same suicide mission as before -- trying to block immigration reform, roll back the clock on abortion rights, and stop gay marriage wherever possible.
Will Bunch: From Istanbul to Rio to Philly, This Democracy Thing Is Broken
In both Turkey and Brazil, it has been the reckless brutality of the security forces -- captured on smartphones and broadcast to a whole world that's watching -- that has caused the protests to grow. Will the United States go down the same road?
Martha Burk: Boehner's Half Right on Women, and the Polls Prove It
House Speaker John Boehner told reporters the GOP's abortion ban that passed the House 228-196 on Tuesday won't change the party's relationship with women. He's half right. It won't change the party's relationship with women, because women already hate the GOP.
Jared Bernstein: CBO Scores the Immigration Reform Bill and Finds... (Wait for It)... It Reduces the Deficit
Opponents who wanted to make the case that comprehensive reform of our current "system" would be a net cost just got some pretty bad news.
Joyce McFadden: 3 Things Little Girls Need from Their Fathers
As her father, you have the power to make certain she knows your love is steadfast, and that she won't have to choose between your love and her maturation.
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