
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday's Daily Brief: Grand Jury Targeting Adelson Casino

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Major Shakeup In Obama's Policy Team
Royal Prank DJ Given Award By Boss
Power Coming To The UN
WATCH: Arianna Discusses Third Metric On Today Show
Riot Police Use Tear Gas, Water Cannons On Protesters
Julian Assange: On the First Day of the Manning Trial
In the end it is not Bradley Manning who is on trial. His trial ended long ago. The defendant now, and for the next 12 weeks, is the United States. A runaway military, whose misdeeds have been laid bare, and a secretive government at war with the public. They sit in the docks. We are called to serve as jurists. We must not turn away.
Ellen Malcolm: More Women, More Progress
Adding women to our legislative democracy can make Congress work better. We would never see the partisan game-playing that horrifies us if half the members of Congress were women. And certainly those who abuse women... or allow it to continue... would be held accountable.
Kergan Edwards-Stout: AIDS at 32: For Whom the Bell Tolls (32 Notables Share Their Stories)
I reached out to both those who directly faced the onslaught of HIV/AIDS and those who are younger who have never known a world without it, to find out how 32 years of HIV/AIDS have affected their lives. Here are 32 voices on the 32nd year of AIDS.
Christine Hassler: The Moment I Knew: My Quarter-Life Crisis
Six months before my wedding, he called it off. So there I was at 28: heartbroken, in debt, physically sick, at odds with my family and lacking direction in my career.
Roger Waters: To All My Friends in Turkey
Your great country stands at the gateway between east and west. Istanbul is legend in the history of civilization. Your resistance today may well be a turning point between all of us and a return to the dark ages.
Huffington Post, 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003

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